New Reasons to Take Advantage of Geothermal Heat Pumps

Geothermal drilling has been used in the U.S for quite some time now. In fact, in the 1970’s geothermal drilling was catching on in popularity due to certain advances in drilling technology. Recently, more efficient drilling processes have allowed for more cost-effective geothermal drilling projects. This form of drilling has been historically expensive due to high temperatures and hardened sites. Geothermal energy is a resource that has remained largely untapped. However, Ameridrill Inc. has just announced some new reasons to take advantage of the heat available through geothermal drilling.

For many years, utilizing geothermal energy sources was viewed as being environmentally friendly. Geothermal heat pumps have a much lesser effect on the environment and certain systems can cut greenhouse emissions by up to 40%. However, protecting the environment is not the only advantage of geothermal energy. In fact, geothermal energy sources can drastically cut the costs of both heating and cooling expenses. Geothermal heat pumps have a much lower operating cost than most traditional heating systems. Furthermore, most existing heat pumps can be easily converted to a geothermal system.

Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of geothermal heat pumps is their durability and reliability. When properly installed, a geothermal system can last upwards of fifty years. Additionally, once a geothermal energy source has been identified, the cost of hot water can be drastically reduced.

Although geothermal drilling has become a more efficient process over the years, not all HVAC installers have the experience required to utilize this resource.